Thursday, October 30, 2014


Hello and welcome to my blog! :D 
 For a quick explanation of my blog, for 2 weeks, I will be blogging everyday (with exceptions) about something that alters my life a little bit.
 To alter my life, I want to foster a really exotic, high maintenance animal (for example, a Sugar Glider or a Monitor) for 2 weeks, and see how it affects my life, and what I can learn from that specific animal, and about fostering.
As you can most likely tell already, I really love zoology, so might as well take my love for animals and make it into a fun project, right?
About me: I'm a high school student with an inventive mind and a love for animals, that found myself to be in an awesome creative writing class. :) 
Have a Happy Halloween!
This is Sylvester
Tweety and Sylvester

This is Tweety

So, thats the simpler version of how things are gonna go down. Therefore it was merely a brief explanation of how things are happening, but I shall explain a bit more in detail below:
I got two baby chicks that only I can (so without anyone else’s help) take care of for 2 weeks. The chicks are a few days old (Although, one is older than the other by a few days), and need around-the-clock care.They are going to be in my room, so that I have to deal with them day and night. Ive never had a bird as a pet (including chickens) before, so I have no idea how this is gonna go. (I have a friend who works on a farm who told me all the dos and don’ts, but its my job to follow through.) The catch is, I am absolutely terrified of chickens from a childhood experience, so maybe this will make me get over my fear… Also, the whole thing is like taking care of 2 chirping babies that require a ton of TLC.


  • Must be only in my room
  • I have to substitute as their mother figure
  • No one can help me on this journey, so I have to take care of them myself (with the exception of going to my dads house one weekend in between, because he lives in Arizona and stuff... I don't know its complicated).
  • I must be responsible for cleaning and refilling the cage/water/food
  • Not to go insane by their bird-ly sounds
  • Blog everyday about the experience of having the chicks
  • The blog must have at least 500-1000 words give or take, I must blog everyday for 2 weeks straight, must have a hyperlink in each blog post, and I need to have an About Me slide thing.
  • Have fun and enjoy the experience of actually having a bird/chicken because its probably never going to happen again
Well, since, like I mentioned above, I've never owned a chicken, or a bird, as a pet before, so I'm using the following links (as well as specific instructions from the farmer person who let us foster/take care the chicks) as a reference and a guide to raising chicks: