About Me

I'm just a high school student in 9th grade with an inventive mind and a love for animals, that found myself to be in an awesome creative writing class. :)
Thats me standing next to a fountain thing

Some background info about myself:
My family consists of me, my mom, my 18 year old brother (Austin), my Rabbit (Stache), My tortoises (Mimsy and Herbie), and my dogs (Marko and Melvin). My other family consists of my dad, my 18 year old brother again (still Austin), my soon-to-be-stepmom (Kristina), my 1 year old half brother (Kenneth), and my dogs (Max and Bentley).
My hobbies include playing basketball, playing soccer, playing volleyball, dancing (especially hip hop), running (sprints), working at an Animal Shelter, doing Zoo Corps, playing with my dogs, drawing, writing, singing, acting, and, most importantly, hanging out with my friends. 
Myself and some homies

I've always thought it was cool to have as many animals as possible growing up. I had/have dogs, cats, tortoises, hamsters, rabbits, hermit crabs, lizards, fish, snakes, snails, etc. (I probably missed a lot, but I think you get the picture). So, as you can see I've always grown up in basically a zoo. At one point, I think in 3rd grade, I had 17  animals at one time, but we're pretty good animal owners. I'd definitely classify myself as being an animal person. Some people are, some people aren't, but I, for sure, am. Through many hardships in my life I'd say animals (my dogs specifically) have really helped me through a lot of stuff in my life. Dogs are awesome, I'd just like to put that out there.

The one thing we've never had before, pretty much because no one in my family particularly likes this type of animal, (including myself) is a bird. Whether it be a parrot, a canary, or even a chicken. I've never owned anything like it, and I have no idea what they're like. Birds just down seem very cuddly or friendly at all. I mean, baby animals are always cute and cuddly, but as they grow things change...

As a freshman, I didn't think I'd be allowed to have the experience of having chicks because I didn't know if my parents would allow it, and I'm too young to be able to get them myself. But, like I mentioned before, my parents are 'animal-people' as well as I am (I probably got it from them anyway), so they agreed. [The only reason I think that they did agree was because we get to foster the chicks while they are babies, so we don't have them while they are full grown chicken, and full grown chicken are scary.]

So, wish me luck on my journey of having these babies chickens. Its something, new, you know? There is always new things to experience in life, so why not this?  Tune in to my blog for my Wondrous experience of fostering chicks!

Although this link is kind of referring to how to have good eggs laid and whatnot, theres also a few questions about what the chickens should eat and how to raise chickens to keep them healthy so, in reference to my entire blog, the video is as following: http://youtu.be/Vn53_5qKw38

*Note: I'm not self-absorbed because I wrote 500 words about myself, I wasn't sure if it was a requirement or not so I just wanted to play it safe... Thanks**

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