Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Interview About the Chicks

Today, I decided to have an interview about my chicks with my friend Megan. I got my chicks from Megan's aunt, Missy, so Megan already knows a lot about how to care for chicks, including all of the dos and don'ts to chick care. In addition, Megan came and helped me set up the cage on the first day and she hasn't seen the chicks since. The Interview is as following:
Megan with the Chicks

Q: How much do you think the chicks have grown from when you last saw them?

A: "I think Tweety has grown a lot, probably about 3.5 centimeters or something. And then I think Sylvester hasn't grown much at all like height-wise, but he's grown outwards. Like he got fatter, but it's cute."

Q: How do you think their personalities differ now between when I first got them?

A: "Tweety was a lot less high maintenance, and more loving kind of, and didn't try to jump out of your arms. But now, he's like bossy and weird... Since he just pecks at a corner all day. Sylvester, on the other-hand, he is really loving. He just doesn't do anything all day. I mean he was kind of like that when we first got him, so he hasn't changed that much, I guess. Maybe he's just a little bit more loving now."

Q: Have you ever had to take care of chicks/chicken for an extended period of time?

A: "No, only when I went to my Aunts farm that I actually like fed the chickens and stuff, but I never actually took them home and had to care for them for awhile. On her farm, I also got their eggs, got their eggs out of the incubator when they hatched, and I played with them so I know how to handle them properly."

Q: Do you think chicks are high maintenance?

A: Yes I do. Since they poop a lot, and they eat a lot, and they drink a lot, and they need a lot to eat, like a lot... (I said that again for emphasis.) And you have to always clean their water bowl. Also, you have to get the poo stuck to their fur on their butt sometimes... which is gross but necessary."

Q: Which chick appears to have grown into more of an alpha-male and which is more submissive?

A: "I would definitely say Tweety is the alpha-male, since he or she, probably he, is always just like doing stuff by himself, and he just kind of leads the way. Sylvester would be like the submissive one, because a lot of time he just follows Tweety around and goes under his wing. He's always just there next to Tweety, and gets upset when he's not. "

Q: What do you know about caring for chicks?

A: "They are really cute and I have to do a lot, haha. I know how to care for them, like I know the basics. When you hold them don't hold them too tight, clean out their water/cage often, feed them the right amount, etc."

Q: Are you excited to babysit my chicks when I go out of town next weekend?

A: "Yes I am! Because I love them so much and their so cute and funny!! "

Another interview about raising chickens: http://youtu.be/a2bxNMH-Q-c

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