Friday, November 14, 2014


As I've mentioned in my introduction, and a few other blog posts before, I'm going on vacation for a few days. (Well it isn't technically vacation, I'm going to my dads house and he lives in Arizona, therefore I must go to Arizona to be at his house.) The chicks are going to be staying at Megan's house (my friend, whom I interviewed, who is also the Niece of the lady I got the chicks from: see my Q & A interview blog with Megan for more information). So, basically I won't be blogging probably just tomorrow. I may or may not be blogging on Sunday, depending on what time I get home, but if not then I'll resume on Monday. Just expect a pause and a day or two skipped in my blog. 
***Yes I am aware this project was suppose to be going on consistently for a whole 14 days (2 weeks), but I have already gotten permission to basically go on pause and resume the blog after a few days. Thanks for the concern though, people, I appreciate it.***
Getting ready to temporarily go

I think the time apart from the chicks will be interesting for me. Because of the fact that I've gotten a little too attached to them, I believe that this separation period of this/these [few] days(s) will be good for both me and the little chickies. When I get back, I can see if they got any type of emotional attachment to me or something. Chickens have been known to be not very bright so probably not, but one can always hope, right? When I do see them again, I can write about the experience of how I felt and how I saw the chicks react to me coming back, or if they don't react at all. I really think this will be an intriguing experiment for me to see if they've actually grown to know me, and maybe they care about me? Do chickens care about people? Is that a thing? I honestly have no clue, but I guess we shall see soon enough. 
Tweety in mid-farewell fly.

When I was dropping the chicks off, they seemed to be fine. They were very nervous, worried, stressed, frantic. I can tell this by the tone of their chirping and when they are running back and forth again and again (they weren't doing that by the way). Megan knows the protocol probably better than I do on how to take care of the chicks, so I feel confident that she will take pretty good care of my chicks. But alas she will only be taking care of my chicks for a little more than a day, so not much can go wrong in that short period of time {knock on wood}. I've been getting updates, pictures, and videos from them, informing me that they're doing alright, so I have full trust in them caring for my baby chickens. 

So, a temporary farewell to my bloggians, as I put my blog on pause. I shall be back very soon. Don't miss me too much :P

Todays link, about leaving chicks alone for a few days on the backyard chicken website:

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