Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Last Day

Well, today is the last day for blogging about my little chickie. (This isn't my very last post, but it is my last post about how Tweety is currently.) Its been quite a long journey having these chicks. It was a very emotional journey, especially the death of my baby Sylvester. I can't believe this is my very last day. (Technically I have Tweety for a few more days because I am going to bring him back on Saturday, and today is only Tuesday, so in technical terms I do have a few more days. But, like I have mentioned before, today is the last day of my blogging time besides the conclusion.) Tweety sits in the corner with his stuffed turtle and his stuffed pug (which actually happens to be one of my old webkinz. Back in the day, you were super cool in second grade if you had a Webkinz. I had probably about 30 of them. My brother did too. Funny story- I named my first webkinz Hungry because when I was registering my Panda online, my stomach was grumbling and I was very hungry. Alas, I named my Panda Webkinz Hungry. Okay now to get back on task).

He seems to be lonely. Tweety, I mean. It makes me sad. I don't want him to be lonely. Its not healthy for him. If the whole thing with Sylvester didn't happen to close to the day that its all over (aka today) then we would have gotten another chick. Actually, in one of my blog posts a few blogs ago (the one about Sylvester dying) I posted a picture of another chick and captioned it saying that this is how he should have grew. That chick happens to be one of Sylvester's brother or sister; they were from the same litter (or whatever that terminology is for chicken). Missy had contacted us, saying maybe we could come down and get that chick, so that Tweety wouldn't be too lonely, as it is bad for chick's growth to grow up alone, without a mother figure or a friend (so another chick). My mother declined, and told her I only had a few days left of the project. Missy lives in the deep dark corners of Alpine. Not really the deep dark corner, but she does live REALLY out there. The drive from her house to mine is probably about 2 and a half hours. Give or take 15 minutes, depending on the traffic pattern.

I took a photoshoot with Tweety today, here's the picture below:

He's been showing signs of behavior as an adult chicken now. He grew quite fast...

Well, to summarize what my experience has been like so far (without giving away too much of what should be in my conclusion), I've felt kind of stressed while having the chicks around. I always feel like if something wrong happens to them, its going to be my fault (and in the case of Sylvester, I was not even present and I know what really happened but I will not say it on here because I am a nice friend and lets just say it was definitely not my fault at all. Aaaand I am going off topic once again). Balancing school and everything else in my life, and then having to always go back to the responsibility of having this animal in my room that I know aboslutely nothing about kind of freaks me out. I get so tired of Tweety being there never stopping his songs. Singing singing singing away in harmony with the silence of the night... at literally 3:00 am every single morning. Its driving me insane, but at least its over. Its sounds bad, but finally. Its all over...

One of the last link's is an article about history and actually about chicken themselves. I thought it would be cool to check this out and learn a bit more about the animal. Since I know absolutely nothing about chickens, as I have stated before so the link is as follows:

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