Monday, November 10, 2014

Chicks Update

Well, for the last few blogs about the cage tour, I haven't mentioned much about the chicks. This is because I was just trying to show how to care for the chicks, with some tips on what to use and why, just in case any of you (and by you I mean my one reader who's probably my mom, or my grandma, or something) are ever going to raise chicks sometime in your future and need some help on how to do it. Anyway back to the chicks; heres an update on how the chicks are doing and whats up:

The chicks have been doing pretty well. I think they're more comfortable with where they are now, because they are much, much quieter than when I first got them. (And by that I mean they still tweet all the time but the volume of their tweeting/chirping is a lot less than it was before. I think it was a lot louder before because they might've been stressed out or something from the move.) In addition, I forgot to mention this before, but the breed of chicken that Tweety is, is a Araucana, and Sylvester is a Mottled Cochin Bantam.
Tweety might look something like this when s/he's older
Sylvester might look something like this when s/he's older

Tweety has grown so much. Its unbelievable. When he grows up to be a full grown rooster/chicken (depending on the actual gender of Tweety, since we won't know until Tweety -and Sylvester- are a lot older), he is going to be huge! Like I said before, he is definitely a miniature Godzilla. There is no doubt about that, its a true fact I swear. Also, in this picture it may appear that I am squeezing Tweety, but I would just like to clarify that I am definitely not doing that. Chicks are very fragile and have very thin bones, therefore they must be handled with care and not be squeezed because you might like break them. In this picture, I was holding Tweety for a picture so they he wouldn't move and run away (because thats what happens every single time that I try to take a picture of either of the chicks).

Sylvester is doing great. He's so soft and fuzzy. He has gotten much more gentle and rag-doll-like. I am not quite sure how to explain it, but when he's all floppy and lets you do whatever do him (not in a bad way or anything- it's cute). My explanation is absolutely dreadful but hopefully you get the picture (probably not but thats okay). Sylvester is very submissive to Tweety, and lets him/her be the alpha-male (or alpha-female #GenderEquality). This whole not-knowing-which-gender-my-chicks-are thing is getting very confusing for me because I don't know whether to call them a him or her, and it's kind of stressing me out a little bit. It's just seriously confusing me and I feel bad calling them the wrong gender, because I am probably wrong for both of them. Whatever, I'll find out soon enough. They're growing so fast!

Beginners guide to raising chicks:
The farmer people told me which breeds they were, but I completely forgot, so heres the website that helped my classify the breeds of my chicken:

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