Thursday, November 6, 2014

Conspiracy Theory: Miniature Godzillas??

So today has been quite crazy... It was my best friend's birthday, a pipe exploded and my house flooded, its 87 degrees in November, my new iPhone 6 came, and the chicks won't shut it. To resolve my issues: I got my friend a big shooting star balloon plus little mini bundt cakes that were super cute but probably taste terrible, the flood guy came and I think we have to take out all of the hard wood floor and replace it because it warped, Its hot outside and I wore shorts in the middle of november (weird right??), I have to call my dad's assistant or secretary person lady to set up my phone (the iPhone 6 is much bigger than I thought it would be but whatever), and finally, what this blog is all about, the chicks. I don't know how to make them shut up. Morning and night they're chirping away, never pausing for a second unless they fall asleep. If anyone who happens to be seeing this knows anything about raising chickens- HELP! How do I make them shut up for once? That sounds really harsh but they never stop tweeting! Its getting old fast, and its been only 3 days! (Or 2, I can't count).
Did I forget to mention they never sit still?

The chicks are growing very fast. Its unbelievable how much Tweety has grown in such a short time. I definitely wasn't expecting it. On top of their rapid growth, they literally eat everything in their path, everything. All they do is eat, peck at everything (which I guess can be classified as eating as well), drink, poop, poop again, sleep, and eat some more. Oh, they also tweet. A lot. Lots and lots of tweeting... Especially from Tweety, ironically. The reason I think they're like miniature godzillas is because of the rapid growth and destruction of all edible (or not edible) things around them, by the way.

My Miniature Godzillas
My chick's personalities are really starting to show. Sylvester, although needy, is the calm one. He's pretty chill and lets you do whatever you want with him. He's kind of like a rag doll, except much, much cuter. Maybe thats because he's younger, but I'm not quite sure. He eats more than Tweety does, but is less high maintenance. So yeah, he's a cool cat (or chick in this case...).

Sylvester <3
Tweety is, well, kind of obnoxious. Although he looks like the stereotypical, adorable little fluffy yellow chick, he can be a bit on the annoying side. His chirp is so much louder and he just never shuts up. He has a stronger personality, he's more of the leader, and Sylvester is a follower. Maybe its because he's older, but like I said before I don't know that for sure...
Tweety <3

To summarize this amazing (and definitely not rushed) blog:
1) Today was quite hectic
2) The chicks are very, very loud
3) They're growing fast, which means eating and sleeping a lot
4) Both Tweety and Sylvester's personalities are showing through quite a bit. Its like they have their own little pack, where Tweety is the leader and Sylvester is the follower
5) They're still extremely cute!

Have a happy...(what day is it)... Thursday!

Link to a video- this guy agrees his chicks are growing fast! I guess this is quite common. Mini godzillas I tell you!

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