Friday, November 7, 2014

Affects of the chicks

I have officially come to the conclusion that Tweety is that more aggressive type of older sibling that just picks on his younger sibling ever single chance that he gets. Sylvester usually just takes it... He never tries to fight back or anything. He just gets harassed and is basically okay with it. For example, at about 12:30 am last night, Sylvester was really tired from a very long day, and wanted to sit under the heat lamp and sleep. So, he went and curled up and slowly but surely fell asleep. Tweety, minding his own business at the time, looked up and noticed Sylvester falling asleep. So, he got up and went over to his brother, pushed him, pecked at him, and kept bothering him until he woke up. Sylvester, being disheveled and confused, attempted to go back to sleep but Tweety refused to let him sleep He kept shoving and jumping all over him. Maybe its a normal chick thing to do but I thought it was pretty mean.
He likes to get in your face
I always write about what the chicks are doing and how they are, which is good, I guess, to explain their growth and see how their personalities flourish, but I never really explain how getting these chicks are really affecting me. Now I must change that. So.... I feel as if I have become more responsible, I have to make sure their food and water is full, and their heat lamp is on and at the right temperature. I also have to make sure their cage is clean and that they get a good amount of time outside of their cage so they that can run around and stuff.
Keeping the cage clean requires a lot of effort, even there you can tell all the stuff they've kicked into the water bowl (which of course I ended up changing afterwards)
Another way the chicks affect me, is I think I have gotten over my fear for chickens and hens. I have not necessarily gotten over my fear of roosters, as what happened to me when I was younger really traumatized me and I do not know how I'm going to ever get over that, but I'm a lot more okay with being in their presence now. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that they aren't all that scary (chickens, not roosters. Roosters are still absolutely terrifying to me.) My chicks are so cute, fluffy and innocent. I now see this type of behavior is  [almost] every single chicken, ever. If you know the saying "we are all children on the inside," this same thing applies for chicken too. Chicken are all cute little chicks on the inside.
They'll be full grown chickens sooner than later.... They grow up so fast :,(
In addition to both of those, I'm also starting to feel kind of annoyed by them being in my room. I  forgive them for being annoying and obnoxious because they're really cute and innocent, but they are starting to seriously get on my nerves. Last night when I was trying to fall asleep, they were as loud as they could be. They were perfectly quiet all evening until I tried sleeping. Of course Tweety was the main contributor to the loud sound, but alas it was them both... They always end up falling asleep eventually though. So that's good, I guess.

This person has a blog very similar to mine about raising chicks, you can see the comparison on how it affects her as well:

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