Monday, November 17, 2014

In Solitude

Tweety is on his own now... Its quite depressing if you ask me. He's changed, for sure. He used to be very stand-offish towards me. Now, however, he only takes comfort when he's in my hands/I'm in his sight. If I just stick one finger into the cage, he runs over and cuddles into it. He seems to calm down by feeling my heartbeat [through my fingertips]. Its quite cute, actually. Don't get me wrong, I miss Sylvester very very much. In fact, its very hard for me to get over him being gone. However, from the start of this project I knew I couldn't get too attached to the little chicks, as I'd be giving them back the minute the fostering session (or project I guess, because technically thats what this whole thing was, even though it became more for me in the end) was over, I would have to be giving the baby chickens back anyways and they would go and live on their farm again. Whatever would happen to them happens. (Don't worry about them being eaten or something like that, its not that type of farm). But either way, of course I am getting attached to the babies (or baby now... not plural...sad...).
He's getting big!
His wings have grown a lot too! (It looks like I was ripping off his wing, but I can assure you no harm came to Tweety during this picture, before, or after (or ever).

I only have I think 1 or 2 more days left of this experience... Its been quite funky so far. They have all these needs that I was unaware of. They have to have friends growing up with, heat lamps, medicated bird food, special bedding, not wired bottoms of cages, etc. Its just a bunch of really funky, random things that they've needed. Its weird, but interesting nonetheless.

I'm having intense writers block at the moment, I apologize, so I'm just going to list the events going on in my life and how having Tweety is impacting that:
So today I had basketball tryouts, and I made JV which is cool I guess. The problem is, we have practice every single day of the week (except Sunday) and that is quite tiring. Its hard to balance school work and that at the same time. For example, practice ended at 9:00 pm tonight. I only came home to change before it started, so I didn't have any time to do my homework. I got home around 9:30 pm, ate dinner (well I plan on doing that I haven't eaten yet), transferred all of my supplies that I used today for school into my regular backpack, (Long story short: Whole family went to AZ this weekend, as you know. Mom came in today and not yesterday like my brother and I. Mom's car was parked in the Airport. My backpack with all of my stuff -homework, notes, school supplies- inside of it, so I had none of my stuff today at school and had to write everything down on a piece of paper and then transfer it and it was terrible, I must say) then finally I could do my homework/study/do this blog. Ah. Blogging. This whole time, I have to listen to Tweety tweeting like a rotten banana (?) right next to me. I'm just like 'wow can you shut it for maybe two seconds please I'm trying to work and I have a lot to do. Thanks friend.'

Okay, long day. I must leave your presence now. Adios amigos/amigas. (Look at me using my Spanish, thanks Profe.)

Today's link is an interesting forum about if Chicken's miss those who have died (this relates more to the beginning of this blogpost):

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