Wednesday, November 19, 2014


It is very sad to say, but This is my very last blog post. This blog post is going to explain how all of this affected me, and how it altered my life. I will also state how the experience was, and what I got from all of this. Well, here we go:

Started from the bottom...
I feel kind of sad to see this all end. I don't really want to give Tweety back. I know I have to, but I've gotten emotionally attached to the little guy. I watched him grow into almost a full chicken. (Well, not exactly, but he's getting pretty close!) I feel as if I've adopted him, and he is mine now. But, I know I haven't. Going into this whole thing, I made a deal with myself saying that when this was all over, I wasn't going to get upset with it. That they are just for an experiment and I can't let them mean anything to me. Well, they do, but there isn't anything I can do about it. I'm going to miss little Tweety when he goes. Even though he can be obnoxious sometimes, he's still my little guy.

Sylvester, however, I got extremely attached to. When I heard news of his death, I can't even explain how upset that I was. My little penguin was gone and I never even got to say goodbye. It made me feel quite glum. I do not like to feel glum. I felt very frustrated, like it was my fault, like I did that to him, but logically speaking it was out of my control. This affected me in a bad way. It made me feel depressed for a few days. I just wish I at least could've said goodbye...

Having my chicks taught me a lot about the actual animal. I knew absolutely nothing about chicken -or birds in general- before I started this. Therefore, technically speaking, I have gained knowledge not only about chickens, but the dynamic of the actual bird. Which is odd for me, because I wasn't really expecting that. I'm not a big fan of birds, they kind of freak me out, but after this experience I must say I seem to have gotten more used to their presence.

This whole thing changed me in a variety of ways; it made me feel more responsible and needed. Without me always changing their food/water/etc. then who would? This also made me annoyed because I felt like I was their maid, or butler, or something in that nature.
In addition, I am so sleep deprived. I regularly have insomnia anyway, but with addition of screeching chicks at night, it just made matters worse. Every time I turn off the lights, the damn bird screams. He actually screams. I'm not exaggerating this statement, it actually happens. He literally screams. I thought maybe I'd get him a night light- that might help. Nope, didn't help. I can't ever fall asleep because he will just go insane for an hour and keep me up. I've been lacking in all of my activities (whether it be school, extracurricular, sports, etc.) and motivations. I've just been so tired...

What did I get from all of this? For starters, I'm not afraid of chicken anymore. I was absolutely terrified before, but now after seeing how they
grow up, I can see that they aren't as evil as I had always thought that they were. I gained the ability to face my fears head on, no matter how small they may be. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true.

...Now we're here.
I figured I'd end my last blog post with some few funny videos about chicken. It may not apply to this specific blog post (however, the loud ones do, because its like Tweety every damn time I turn the lights off at night), but it does apply to the majority of my blog in general, which is what I'm going for, as I do have a humor blog:

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