Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Life of Being a Chick

The Story of the Flightless Bird
(Tweety's Perspective)
Myself flying
It was a dark cool night. The heater was on, I felt hot, too hot. I jumped into the water, getting it even messier than before. Although I bathe in it, I drink it too. We're in a drought, might as well conserve the water right? My brother was sleeping in the food bowl again. He always sleeps in the food bowl. I swear all he does is eat, sleep, and poop. He never does anything interesting. He just follows me around, then tires himself out and falls asleep again. Sometimes when he's sleeping, I knock him over and try to wake him up.
"Sylvester! Sylvester! Get up! Let's go play! Let's have fun for once!" I say with excitement.
He usually just goes back to sleep. He's so boring. Me, on the other hand, I don't want to be boring. I want to do something with my self. I see all those other birds up in the sky. I bet their having a blast flying all around. Their wingspan is bigger than their entire body and mine combined! Well, My wings just came in so I think I'm pretty cool. I wanna be just like them. I want to fly!

Myself flying yet again
I spent the next flew days learning to fly. When ever my fabulously stunning owner, Shelby (who happens to be my favorite living organism who I think should be everyone's favorite living breathing thing because she's amazingly amazing) takes me out of my cage, I would go to the highest peak of her room full of adventure and spread my wings and fly! I mean... I can't really... You know... Fly... Because... I'm a chicken... But that's besides the point! My dream has always been to fly. I envy those crows and pigeons in the sky. I've always wanted to be like them. But now... Now it's time for a change! Now that my wings are in and I'm ready to try! I am the Little Chicken That Could! I think I can! I think I can I think I can!
I mustn't give up!

The Story of the Fatter One
(Sylvester's Perspective)

This is me sleeping with my blanket. I like my blanket.

Hi. I'm Sylvester. I like to sleep. I also enjoy eating. Hi.
Sometimes I fall asleep in my bowl bowl. I mean food bowl. Heheh. My brother, Tweety, is so uptight. I'm so chillax, man. He's all like trying to fly and shiz but man I ain't about that life. People love me. Tweety's just jealous of me and my looks. Oops, I fell. Heheh. Some people think that I'm fat. I think they're right. But hey, I'm in shape! Round is a shape! Heheh.
Tweety's always pickin' on me. He thinks he better than me. He thinks he's cooler than me because he's older and already has wings. Well guess what? I don't care what he thinks. I think I'm awesome. Heheh. While Tweety's out flying around like he's a pigeon or something, I like to roll around on my belly like a penguin. Some people say I look like a penguin but I don't see it... Penguins are cool. I like penguins. Heheh. 
I must go now. My People need me. Time to save the world! (And by that I mean I'm hungry and I'm doing the world a favor by eating. Heheh).

A story similar in a chickens perspective, where I got my inspiration:

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