Thursday, November 13, 2014

Chicks Separated!!!

                                                             BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!
The chicks have been separated! I repeat: The chicks have been separated! This is really big news and is very difficult for the chicks and myself. Chicks need to be together when growing up. Its almost essential. However, Tweety has been a bad, bad chicken. He's been standing on top of Sylvester, blocking him from getting any food or water, pecking at him, and not letting him get up. We contacted Missy (the owner of farm where we got the chicks from, and Megan's Aunt) for help. She told us the chicks should be separated, as Tweety was making a bid for dominance over Sylvester. She also said because of Sylvester's submissive ways, he wasn't going to fight back, therefore letting himself be attacked. If we didn't do anything about it, then Sylvester was going to die. We definetly could, would, and should NOT let that happen!
Alas, the 2 birds have been separated.
To separate them, we put snake fencing through the middle of the cage. We took out their little shelter -hut (otherwise known as the Super Pet Woodland Get Away) and that side of the cage has been converted to Tweety's side. They each have a food bowl, water source, and heat lamp. They can rub up against the side of the snake fencing to be together, but Tweety cannot attack Sylvester like he had been doing before. Also (this is really cute actually), we gave each of them a stuffed animal as like a 'mother' figure in their cage. I read online that doing so calms them down and makes them feel much safer. Because Sylvester was intensly freaking out when we separated them, we experimented and gave him a stuffed toy first. Its just a random stuffed animal that happens to be a turtle with long legs that I had somewhere in my room, and Sylvester loves it. Immediantly, he curled up into the stuffed turtle. It was a very cute site to see. It made him calm down a bunch too.

I don't really know what to think of all this. Its a lot to take in, you know? I've never known of a little baby chick going like completely insane and aggressive over another little baby chick to the point of separation. I understand when they're older and their adult hormones kick in that they will get more dominant over one another, but neither myself, nor anyone that I have told of this interesting news, have heard of anything like this happening before. Babies are suppose to be innocent. After all, they're pretty much helpless. They aren't suppose to attack each other! This like ruins my perspective towards my little babies chickens... I can't look at them the same now. For Tweety, I look at him hoping he feels guilt, but also hoping that this was just a phase and that they will improve in the future. I really hope he does. Its better for his well being. For Sylvester, I'm always going to be worried about him now. Whenever Tweety would knock him over, he stuggled to get up by himself. Sometimes he would just be stuck on his back like a beetle. Is there something wrong with him? Is this normal? Is he going to be okay? Should I be worried? I don't know what to think of this whole situation, but I can only hope that both of them will get better both mentally and physically.

Article about chickens having aggressive behavior:
This is where I found to put a stuffed animal in the cage, as a mother figure:

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