Wednesday, November 5, 2014

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

Even though these chicks are as cute as a button, they're a ton of work!
Their sleeping schedule is quite odd... They aren't nocturnal, but they don't really sleep that much in the night. They kind of sleep in portions throughout the whole day.
Last night, they kept me up until 2 am chirping away. I ended up waking up too late and had to miss first period! (Its okay though, because we had a sub today and my teacher already listed online what we were going to today, so I just did it at home really early in the morning.)
The younger one, Sylvester, (who, as of yesterday, was 3 or 4 days old) is quite needy. He/she/it sings his little songs all night, until he tires himself out and literally falls on his face. He will be sleeping while standing, then he will slowly fall forward and just collapse and fall sound asleep. Tweety, who is a week old, is not as needy, but is much, much louder. He/she/it also tends to collapse on his face when he sleeps. When I woke up and saw them I actually thought they were dead because I didn't know chicks slept like that so I kind of freaked out, but then I accidentally woke them up. I realized they weren't dead and I rejoiced. They are really light sleepers too. The sound of a pin dropping could wake them up!

See, when they sleep they look dead... but they aren't its okay

Update: I've concluded that Sylvester is secretly a penguin in disguise. He looks like a miniature penguin and acts the way a penguin would act (I actually do not know how penguins act but I can assume that it is much like Sylvester). Sylvester likes to lay oh his back and have me scratch his stomach. Its the most adorable thing in the world!
He/she will just lay like this at let me pet his/her tummy
(And I meant fell, not feel)

Tweety is much like a parrot or a canary... He likes to be near you and perched on either your hand, leg, shoulder, or whatever perch you have available for him to be on. He will go up to a super high spot (and by that I mean like a few inches to a foot, because in proportion to them, that is of high elevation) and jump off, attempting to fly. He usually ends up landing on his face because he cannot fly, at all, but its the thought that counts!
Terrible quality photo, but Tweety is in my hand just chillin'

In case you didn't know the back story of why they are named what they are, here it is. Tweety and Sylvester are in a popular cartoon called Looney Toons. Tweety is a bright yellow canary and Sylvester is the black and white [tuxedo] cat that is always trying to get to Tweety. I thought Tweety looked much like my bright yellow chick (hence why I named him Tweety) and his partner in crime, Sylvester looks more like the other chick I got, because of his dark colored back and light stomach and beak. Even though on the show, the two don't get along, my chicks are inseparable.
The original Sylvester and Tweety
Link to a short episode of Sylvester and Tweety:

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