Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I got chicks!

After loads and loads of thought, I've finally decided for my special exotic animal to be chicks. Although they may not seem exotic to some, they are to me. Not once have I ever owned a pet bird or anything like that before! In addition, I've never had a baby animal. Yes, I do have dogs, but I got them from adulthood.
Another reason why getting chicks is so special to me, is because I am absolutely terrified of chickens. When I was maybe 7 or so, I was chased and attacked by a rooster named Sherbert. The damn thing tried to kill me! I was really small, and he was really big, and we happened to be almost the same size. I remember running around a parked car to try and avoid the rooster chasing after me. It jumped over the car and I screamed, and bolted to an area under a trampoline for protection. Sherbert  jumped on top of the trampoline and started pecking through to get me. Long story short, I hate chickens/roosters/hens/anything like that. They have something out for me I swear.
The ones that I got are teeny-tiny cute baby chickens. They seem harmless. I'm hoping that they are NOT secretly plotting to kill me like the rest of their kind. They're actually quite cute and I think I'm starting to like them.
They are so adorable
This is Tweety
To make sure this impacts/alters my life, I am keeping these chicks in my room and they are completely my responsibility. I have to feed them, change their bedding, keep their water full, make sure the heat lamp is on, etc. Its a lot of work. Day and night they are going to be with me in my room so I'm hoping they will actually let me sleep.
This is Sylvester
{The format of these blogs continue to confuse me... But I'll get the hang of it eventually.}

I feel like a horrible person. Thats probably because because I am... When we got the chicks, they put them in this little box. On the way home from getting them, my mom and I got hungry. We went to Carls Jr (which I never do but there was nothing else around). I got Chicken Tenders. I didn't have anywhere to eat them while we were driving, because I was holding the box. So, I ate the chicken tenders on the box of the chicks. I ate chicken on a box with chicken. I bet I was eating their great uncle james or something. I tormented them by eating their kind and there wasn't anything they could do about it. I'm sorry chicks.
My mom thought it was funny so she took a picture. That box underneath had the chicks in it...
Well... On that promising note I'll leave you with a video of the chicks drinking water. If you've never seen a chick drinking water before, then you have been missing out at life. Its so adorable,  I didn't know chicks drank like that. (The video of my chicks drinking isn't uploading correctly, but this is video is equivalent to they way they do it so its ok.) NOTE: THESE ARE NOT MY CHICKS IN THIS PARTICULAR VIDEO ONLY, AND I DON'T KNOW WHOSE CHICKS THEY ARE. ALL RIGHTS GO TO THIS CHICK OWNER: http://youtu.be/eXThQ4I4MG4
Also, heres a link to the Carls Jr. Menu, and let me know what your favorite thing to get it because I am the more indecisive person on the planet, which is why I got the Chicken tenders: http://www.carlsjr.com/menu/nutritional_calculator_landing

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